Friday, May 13, 2011

A Girl Named Little - Part 4

To read...
A Girl Named Little - Part 1 - click here
A Girl Named Little - Part 2 - click here
A Girl Named Little - Part 3 - click here

A Bit About Little
“We’re moving.” Little’s mom and dad were sitting in front of her, looking a little bit nervous about what they were saying, worried that Little would be upset. “Your dad has been transferred to Colorado.”

Little had only ever lived in the same small town in California. She was only 9 years old, but her childhood ended 3 years ago when her grandfather first touched her. She had lived an entire lifetime in that small town, and she was ready to leave. She would surely miss her friends, and she was afraid of the unknown that awaited her in Colorado, but the joy of moving away from her grandfather wiped away the fears.

‘It’s almost over,’ Little thought. ‘I can’t believe it’s almost over.’

What Little didn’t realize at her young age was that, although she could run from her circumstances, she could not run from her broken soul. And time does not necessarily heal all wounds.

Little would spend the next 11 years believing she had successfully escaped her grandfather…believing that what he did had no effect on her. Her depression? Insecurity? Fear? Self-hated? Those didn’t come from what her grandfather had done…no…those were her fault. If she only read her Bible more, prayed longer, then she’d feel better.

Little couldn’t see how the tendrils of shame were wrapped around her soul…she couldn’t see how those 3 years had transformed her entire being…made her a different person than she would otherwise have been.

Eventually the tendrils would slowly let loose, one at a time, but not until Little learned to face the pain, admit the truth, and share her secret.

But that’s a story for another day…


  1. I'm so glad you've posted part 4. This is a wrenching story that takes a lot of courage to tell. I only hope it has a happy ending... Thanks, Kim ~ Keep writing, your message needs to be heard.

  2. Yes, please keep writing. This is going to be really helpful to so many. I am proud of you for sharing it.

  3. I've learned, as you've shared, that one out of every three women has been sexually abused. That figure astounds me! Upon knowing that, I am overwhelmed with gratitude that I happen to be one of those who escaped such trauma. (Maybe someone prayed for me along the way—like you prayed for your friends.)

    I find it difficult to know how to share the pain of someone who has had to experience such violation. That is why I am truly thankful that you are sharing your story. Stepping into Little's life and struggling with her inside her mind and heart has been eye-opening to say the least.

    I hope telling the story is a healing experience for you, on many levels, but know that it is is invaluable for me as well.

    I hope to pursue a counseling degree someday—even at my age—but one thing that's held me back is that I've wondered if I can really help and empathize with those who've experienced pains that I have not. Reading or hearing stories like Little's will be an essential part of my growth, I'm sure.

    I'm so very sorry for your pain, but I can assure you that it was not in vain. God will use this for good and for His glory in ways you could never imagine. I'm sure of it.
